Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yesterday went out to study with my Best Girlfriend! haha. My study partner. It was so long since i saw her because of this holidays. Haha. It started off with a small hug from her and we Went bukit merah library, then to another location as it was too cold and uncomfortable there. Ok lah we was still in the studying mood after 2hours we started to be restless . hahah. Then went around bukit merah bought ourselves NOUGAT AND PANCAKE then went over to interchange to take bus to go home! haha. And girlfriend just wanted to tell you that dont worry of anything that is disturbing you so much. Prelims are here and lets all concentrate in it. I am here to help you in atleast small things that i can . Next week lets go to study again in our favourite place. haha ! You are always my best studying partner. so take care and see you really soon! Loves much!

*Congrats to akka jes who got her Driving license. hahah. Waiting for a ride!
* You are being missed by me soo much! God bless you.
*Missing My special friend Gaya now!