Monday, May 19, 2008

Three days.

From the sixteen of may we all was quite busy with my cousin sister's wedding. May sixteen was mummy's birthday . Had fun but we still had to go paeriyamma house for the function before the wedding. Quite tiring. The next day was busy with all those preparations. On Sunday itself was still busy . I went over to susie attai house to dress up for the wedding. Wedding was in the evening and it was in khalsa. haha. Then ya so much of things to be done. She was our last woman in our family getting married i mean still have ages for my mine the next in the family. haha. i was really sad for akka as she is gonna leave . i almost teared wen she left home that night after the whole marriage. (the Indian procedure) she was someone who i really enjoy talking and doing lots of crap! Since young i am really close to her and we do go outings and have lots of funn. Now she is with my new mama. haha. ok then we only came home like 330am . so tiring and i was waiting to go home and change into my normal shorts and shirt. Damn tiring.
BUT i just wanna wish the newly wed couple all the best and god bless you!

Some of the photos!

The bride!

My Mama and Akka
And finally Me!
haha. There's lots of photos but too lazy to upload! haha!