Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's day .

Mother's day was a blast. Friday went to cut hair with Nandy. Stayed over. Had lots of fun with her as usual we did nonsense! haha! Saturday went compass point to do last minute shopping for Mother's day with Mummy , bama amma , nandy , muthu and vicky. . Bought Mummy a Perlini wallet in metro and many other stuff. Had pizza hut for that nite. So full! Went back home around 930pm. So tired but i still was awake to watch Kadhalan in sun TV . Surprisingly i was not sleepy at all after drinking Redbull without letting mummy knowing about. It was a lovely movie and i love the songs in it. Then went to bed around 3pm . Woke up in the morning around 730am , helped mummy in the household chores and waited to give mummy my present to her. haha. She really loved it. Gave her a Big hug for all those she have done for me in this 16 years! haha. Then went yishun . I was so happy to see all my cousins there. Everyone of us was there. So happy to see Mahe mama! Renitha akka and shalu akka was there also. So fun giving out presents to all mums out there. We cutted cake that sithi bought form Four leaves. So delicious! Yummy! Then had lots of fun that day. Went around playing with everyone there! haha! And now just wanted to tell Mummy something.

Mummy i love you so much. Thanks for all those things you have done for me in this 17 years. Whether the times you feed me rice , the times you kiss me , the times you say that you love me. Thanks for tolerating my naughtiness at home . Sorry if i have done something that hurt you. You are always special to me no matter wad! I will definitely fulfil Ur wishes and be someone in future all achieved!