Monday, October 1, 2012


I remember when i was doing my BASIC THEORY!
You made sure i study everyday, You made sure i listen to you, You made sure i memorise, and you made sure i passed..

I still remember, u surprised me by coming all the way to woodlands and wait for me to write and come..

Now, im doing my Final theory, Feel so lonely!
I expected the same love and the expectations u have on me for this test..
But u didnt!

I dun know how im going to do this time, but i learnt that i shouldnt depend on u for everything anymore..
I depended on u so much that i waited for u to teach me.. But you didnt bother much this time..
You left me alone! A second time, u made me very disappointed! First was my results, now my Final theory!
I depend so much on u.. I shoudnt do this.. I must put a stop to this! I will!
Because all the time, im getting VERY UPSET!