Thursday, October 28, 2010

Happppy 20th dearest!

Happpybirthday NANDY!
20 areadyyy lor! wahhhh.. so old la ka.. haha..

Im still 19! i mean gonna be 19..

Anyway, just to tell you that,

yes we do have our own differences.. sometimes i just hate you when u irritate me.. i just wanna box ur face when u bully me.. But all these sttill make me love u like i always did in this 19 years of our relationship as sisters..
I remeber , u use to push me in the swimming pool, make me cry , pinch me, scold me , pull my hair, try to sneek in when i bathing.. haha, close ur hears when i singing.. scold me in bad words, irritate me to the maximum untill i burst out! hahah..
all this were the golden moments i had with uu!

AS the years go by, i realise that i can never have a sister like uu! No matter how much u scold me or make use of me ! hahah i still love u nandy! and it will never change!

We all want the best for u! so all the best in everything u do! Keepp smiling and stay pretty!!

IL0VEYOU! SEEYA LATER! for once, I LOVE U AKKA!! hhhaha,..