Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Its been a continous TIRING week!
But all Our hard work will be GREAT on the day!
Started The work at cherie hearts for Just two weeks.
They asked for help so decided to go Since holidays are here.

SO many things Is being occupied This week and last week.
Tuition and also the OCS trip in school.
Haiz. Wednesday is sithi's BANGLE ceremony and Thursday is SITTAPA'S thing!
So its gonna be very rushing and tiring Thats a SURE one!
But still Looking forward FOR FRIDAY AND YES SATURDAY!!
Its gonna be a AWESOME WEEKEND!

Still thinking what to get for AKKA AND ANNAE!
Going to buy my dress today for saturday Night.
Still have some other things to do for SITHI!
Even though its a HETIC week, i stilll love the days i am occupied with many interesting things.

I guess its gonna be after this weekend!
I wanna see HER!!
I heard that she is GORGEOUS!
I wanna see you MA! Looking forward for next week so i can come down!
Bless everyone and keep all Of us WITH YOU! OM sakthi!

Ana, I miss you. Do takecare. Thangachi lovelove:)