Tuesday, April 20, 2010

precious times can be remembered always

At times i feel that i miss those precious times i use to spend with ana.
Feel like its all so different nowadays. I really miss those times na. Haiz
Now that he is back there. Just wanna let him know that i always love him as i do before. No changes is there in me and in my love.
A little upset but still i know u love me alot ana.
Im just a little Pocessive na nothing more cos i think i loved you too much:)
Dun mind me..
Takegood care there. I loveyou. I hope you will never change the love u have for me. I need you..Thanks:)

I miss my foursom.
I really know that they are the only ones who can make me feel good
Feel upset and bothered this few days. waiting to spend my times with them
They are definelty my precious ones .

At times i have to remind myself that everyone has the live to lead on.
I cant be bothering them all thtime just becos i feel that i have the rights on them..