Sunday, April 11, 2010

Iloveyou ANA:)

Its sunday:)
The last day of the week..
Its just another sunday to go for my brother to leave...
I still cant digest the fact that he was here for two weeks and now he is leaving...
I didnt spend the daily day with him but the thinking of him Being here was making me smile all the time:)
Its ok , thats what i can tell myself..
Just a few more months for him to be here back for good.:)
I hope he is having a good time here...Time for him to leave me back here again to go there to work...
I will miss him thats for sure but i am gonna miss him soo badly this time...

And for this week..
Everything was fine except for my laptob..arghhh...
The hard disk has some problem..Now im using school's....
School is starting on thursday..Kinda nervous..Im just a little stress here..Hope things go fine..
I need my swamy beside me..Be with me swamy ilove you ayyapa:)

*Kinda Missing you for this few days;)
Hope you are fine:) Takecare:)