Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Something that im singing all day long:)
Sweet lyrics:)
and love the music rendition in this:)

Icecreams are my bets fren nowadays:)Almost everyday im having it:) cool isnt it:)

Sometimes i do think that i am thankful to god for giving me the voice to sing. It really makes my day ..Whether i have the mood or not Music makes me go;)

and i will never stop my singing HIS praise:) Iloveyou swamy. I know that its been some time since i devited my time for you at home. im just packed with things. im sorry swamy. Will get back to you real soon:) But never did i forget you. Always i have u in my thoughts. Watevr i do just be with me and guide me along:) Swamysaranam:)

Imissyou na. I really miss you loads this few days. It will so nice if i have you here now. Miss your big tight hugs and that wet kiss:) It realli makes me smile all the time.. But be careful na , drive with care. takegoodcare. Iloveyou na thangachi always love you:)

Chaechi, I dun know what you are going through. But watever is it i will try my best to be there for u at all times. I will! I treasure you and thanks for everything chaechi:) Iloveyou:)

Stan i miss you da. Loads. I have got plenty to tell you..Waiting to see you and yes be prepared for my stories ah:) Lovelove:))

Vadivelaaaa...imissyouu leh! haha.. takecare anna:) iloveyou