Sunday, December 27, 2009


Yes, filled with lots of giving and receiving:)
Bajans was great:) And yes our exchanging was also great:)
Thanks DURGA DEVI SIVAJI For that pretty cardigan! hahah. Thanks akka. Like it:)
Thanks nandy for the Pretty cup:) Its my coffee cup from now on:)
Now we are all left with 5 to 6 days for this year to end:)
Just to reflect a little::))
This year Is filled with loads of happiness except for all those little Things
The year Started With the blessed prayers at akkajes house:)
Then yes, My O'level results ..
Poly admission..
New classmates New class New school:)
Ana's trip to USA!
Farewell part for him:)
Outings with him:)
June 29 , the day I missed my LOVED ONE:)]

My vasantham star JOURNEY:) JULY 4th.
HAD loads of fun.
Leart many new things. Found new bonds. New found loves.
Greart experience. Loads to say. As it was the greatest time i spent in MEDIACORP!
Pictures will tell all the fun we had. Missing all of them loads. Cant wait for the gathering:)
New chaechi:) haha. God's gift..Precious to me..
Not forgetting my MAKKALS!
A closer bond with my GOWRI AKKA AND GEJAX AKKA.
THe swing session, Our playground times, Little jokes, Loads of love and yess funn!!
They are very precious to me. Hope this bond will grow even more stronger each year:)
My Gaya's Arrival:) Had fun with her after so long. Still waiting for the gathering amond us:)
Our mega mass bajan. IT was awesome:)
My singer:) A bond that will never end..
I love u anna. U have been there when i needed u:)
i still remeber when u were here to wipe my tears and to tell me u were here for me. Never will i forget u anna. U are very precious to me. Thank god for the bond!

26th October , the day Veran left me.
I still have u in my memories. U will never replace anyone boy. My best friend. I miss u Boy!:(

Karthikai Masam..Its going great. Tmrw is the IRUMUDI kaatu.
A day i was waiting for:)
I just pray that All swamimargal Had a great trip there. And bring them back safely swamy:)

Awaitng for a great year ahead.
A blissful one and a Year filled with joy, excitements, New experiences and loads of LOve!
May ur blessings be with everyone swamy:)


*Trust me i was jumping when i heared from you.
The day i was waiting for.I missed u loads. Loads and loads...
See you soon stan:)

*I miss you na:(
Ur little One always Loves you
Kisses for u aaeta:)