Monday, December 8, 2008



Bajans this week was superb! Very tiring.
Have been going home after bajans at around 2am or 3am after helping out in samys house.
haha. But it is a pleasure at all times. This week i was just in the task of putting ghee in the padi villaku for the prayers. I think now i am too used to it. Hahah. I feel so good doing it. Blessed by him always.

**THANK YOU SO MUCH MY VADI ANNA. He Presented me a medal For my birthday. So sweet!
I ddint expect that from him. I Love you anna!

**AnA hope you are getting better. Take care and drink lots of water.

**Gaya i am so glad that you came back. I know that i dun alwyas tell you that i missed you but i really did gaya. I thought i lost my right hand when you left. But you ARE BACK! Haha! You made me so excited that day. Thanks for that vegetarian food at home! HAha. I love Princess... haha. Should hang out soon ok? Take care.

**Singaravelu.... I miss you babe ! Call me ok? loves many!