Sunday, June 29, 2008

Firstly happy birthday Friend . A friend who i know for about 14 years in my life. Since my Nursery, all the way to now we are still in the same school seeing each other each and every day. We went through many things together. I know her so well and i appreciate the things she does for me at times . Thanks for your treat and and many other other things that i didn't expect from you. I still owe you your present and Also my Duruga akka's Present which i am waiting to get it for her.

School has been boring as i am having prelims . Most of my time is spent in my computer room doing revision . LOOking at the books make me go crazy everyday. I realise i am lacking of sleep nowadays . Too tiring and stressed! Waiting to go out with many people after prelims to just relax myself before starting my olevels revision which will be in two weeks time i guess! haha! Mummy is always there to cheer me up when i am stressed out or too sleepy due to the late night revisions. Thanks mummy. I also missed the chalet outing with my brothers and sisters . Haiz. haha. Waiting for Adi masam and i got a new Amman song that i want to share with my Sastha chellams soon to sing it on adi masam. So ya waiting and waiting till my prelims are over! That's it for now and going back to my books again. Not forgetting i am missing Aaeta so much! I didn't talk to him for almost aweek due to prelims so waiting for that too.
Trying to stay happy always !