Friday, February 8, 2008

As we walk our path of life,We meet people everyday.Most are simply met by chance.But, some are sent our way. These become special friendsWhose bond we can't explain;The ones who understand usAnd share our joy and pain.Their love contains no boundaries.So, even we are apart.Their presence enhances usWith a warmth felt in the heart.This love becomes a passageway,When even the miles disappear.And so, these friends, God sends our way,Remain forever near.
I am gonna miss you babe. i am so happy for you . its been two years that we have been in the same class going thru thick and thins . enjoyments , funs , sadness. but i always enjoy the moments in school with you. you have been my special fren since sec 3 . you mean so much to me. i just cant imagine how am i going to bear the seperation in class without you gal. you are someone who have made a mark in my heart and it will not be erased forever. i am not sure when i am gonna see you again but you are always remembered. i wONt forget all those memories we had. gaya i am gonna miss you badly. this will be my last time calling you. GAYA I LOVE YOU GAL. STUDY HARD AND MAKE UR PARENTS PROUD. TAKE CARE AND WILL MISS YA HEAPS. *HUG*