Sunday, November 11, 2007


First of all. i am back with a long break. haha. too busy with deepavali preparations. This time i only helped mummy with muruku. i didnt do a single work as usual. work has taken my time i spent at home nowadays. WORK has been joyful and good for me now. it has been a month. i love to go work now. the kids there really loves me. when i enter the childcare in the morning, the kids come running to me saying GOOD MORNING TEACHER BANU. haha. i got nothing to do. just to supervise them , play with them and sing rhymes with them. the rest will be done by their form teacher. she is also very nice to me. she is a hindu also. we work together. i do help her also. its quite fun but too tiring. But i love my job.

Next coming to the henna party. henna party was held in duruga aka house last monday. we went over. we had funn as usual. gowri aka was doing the drawing. haha. while aiting i was helping AKA JES to chop the deepavali card with the sastha association logo on it. haha. funn job. i love doing it. AKA JES IF GOT SUCH JOB IN THE FUTURE TELL ME I CAN DO. haha. then finally my turn. gowri aka drawed for me. yeah! so excited. but this muthu anna started off his nuisance again. but before i left i gave a hard one. haha.

Now DIWALI. it was great as usual. we went to yishun first then to telok blangah. haha. good day. i spent time with my loved ones. i wasnt able to see my ana. only my sweet durga aka. she was so gorgeous. haha. it was a tiring day too. finally it end. the day was over.

AND NOW. AZHAGIYA TAMIL MAGAN. haha. sithi sitappa nandy and me went to watch on sat . lovely movie. i went to yishun at 2pm after work. it was our graduation concert in childcare thats why i was working on saturday. so tiring. i went over to mama house. changed in to shorts and went over to my ana house for a mini deepavali . haha. at fun toking to him. i spent two hours with him toking and that dinesh anna started off his nuisance toking about my rajini uncle. joining him was saravanan anna. aaeta also was influenced. i was so angry. haha. indeed it was a good bonding . love love ana.

AND NOT FORGETING sitappa who took his time to bring me to movie. he just finished his noght shift and came home to sleep only 2 hours and brought us for a movie. so nice of him. just because i asked him that day he never said no to me. so sweet of him. love love him. and also AYYAPAN season i s coming. gonna be soo busy with bajans.. haha. cant wait to bond with my lovely sisters again. missmiss.