Thursday, October 10, 2013

Happpy 27th ANA! Praying for happiness to be with u all the time, because you deserve the best na!
I  miss you, I miss US! Nobody can replace you na, because you never failed to show me that i mean loads to you! You have seen me grow, i still want you to see me grow! I need you to be watching upon me.. I loveyou more and the most brother! Loads of hugs and kisses all the way from here!

Somehow i am managing to be occupied and it feels good actually..
Yes, i had a very hard time to get over it, but at the end i realised your true colours.
God sometimes needs to put us in such situations so that we know about the true colours of people..
I went through so much and i got a very good lesson.
But i think all is for something good.. Now i feel good at work, just me myself, having fun, fully occupied, so much of responsibilities and i love what im doing!

I know and realised that god has better plans for me!
Mind at ease, i feel good!

And for some people who is so interested whether im in a relationship, pls mind ur own business..
You dun need to feel pity for me, i know what i am doing..
Pls act your age! I didnt expect this from you!

Time is still there to make decisions tat are very impt in future..
Until then my degree comes in first! Swamy knows better, i belive so..